For Yarn's Sake Custom Nora Wrist Project Bag, Pink

Availability: In stock (47)

One of our favorite project bags meets one of our favorite budding artists. We're delighted to bring you this custom Nora Wrist bag, adorned with the artwork created to commemorate the return of our social knitting and crochet night - Knit Chat.

A wristlet perfect for crafting on the go! The Nora Wrist Bag snaps closed and slips easily over your wrist, allowing you to knit or crochet out of the main pocket. Perfect for any small to medium-sized project. It’s lightweight and compact, making this a great bag or yarn bowl. A handy pocket on the outside is ideal for storing your pattern and notions. Made of soft linen, and lined with our signature pink, this little treasure belongs in every maker's crafting collection. And signed by the artist herself! We love, love, LOVE this versatile project bag.

Dimensions - 9 inches wide by 14 inches tall

And the artist? Non other than the talented Sophie Mae - FYS owner's granddaughter. Her artistic gift was apparent at a very young age – while kindergarten classmates struggled with stick figures, Sophie was creating elaborate portraits. You should see the pink giraffe she painted!

Sophie has since graduated to computer based graphic design. You'll find her artwork throughout For Yarn's Sake, from bags and signage, to our annual Rose City Yarn Crawl buttons for the past 3 years.

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