There's No Place Like Gnome (Updated again February 4th)

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There's No Place Like Gnome (Updated again February 4th)

Oh my! A new knitting addiction. I was sure that socks were my absolute favorite things to make with pretty string. Then along came a gnome.

Update (2/4/2022)  Whoa Gnellie!  This little guy is all set to strap on some skis and scream down a China slope.  Go Team USA!!!  I kinda jumped the gun on the Ravelympics challenge.  You know - pick an event like Cowl Jump, Mitten Medley, WIPs Downhill, Scarf Dancing, or Sock Doubles, pick up your hook or needles as the opening ceremonies begin, then go for the Gold before the Olympic flame is extinguished.  As usual, my impatience for a new, enticing creation got the best of me.  But hey, she's pretty darned cute!  And would have been sad to not be here at the start of the games.  I see another little creature emerging tonight as we all watch the official start and torch lighting.  What will that one's event be? Gnome Curling perhaps.



Update (1/24/2022).  Holy gnome!  These little, adorable creatures are addicting.  And have converted me from a process to a product (ie - I finish things) knitter.  Meet All Work, Gnome Play Gnorwen; my third finished gnome.  She was really fun to make.  The sparkly braids, the swirly i-cord on her hat, the adorable teenie tiny mittens (I have honestly never made mittens so small).  Too much fun!  I've already envisioned my next one - a gnome in patriotic red, white and blue for the Winter Olympics.  Even ordered a 2022 Team USA pin for her to proudly wear.  If you haven't made one yet, you really don't know what you're missing!



Just before Christmas, a lovely customer contacted me, wondering if were participating in Sarah Schira's Year of Gnomes KAL.  I had never heard of Sarah, her design company Imagined Landscapes Designs, or knitted gnomes.  Curious, I did a little looking around, and discovered these adorable little knitted creatures.  With names like 'Gnome Pun Intended,' All Work, Gnome Play,' Oh, Gnome, You Didn't,' 'Gnot Just Another Gnome,' and 'Here We Gnome Again.'  Intrigued.  Then I discovered that, not only did Sarah have all these cute knitted creature patterns, there was a Mystery Gnome KAL underway - 'Leave Gnome Stone Unturned' started on December 1, counting down to Christmas (I discovered this on the 18th).  Hooked!  I had all my Christmas presents wrapped, the shopping done, and time to knit.  Maybe not getting to each 'clue' before Christmas, but I'd give it the college try.  And the MKAL description listed Dream In Color's Smooshy sock yarn as the recommended yarn.  I happen to have that.  I peeked at the spoilers on Ravelry (which I always do when knitting a MKAL - I'm bad at waiting, too), chose my 4 colors, and got started.  My very first foray into knitting stuffed things, so I had to get on Amazon for stuffing and "weighted stuffing" (a totally foreign item to my maker's world). 




Well, a week later, and Gnomebleberry (with Gnewt tucked in his backpack) was born.  Oh my stars, what fun!  And WAY!  I can so knit a gnome a month to participate in Gnome KAL.  The problem will be which one to create first.



After putting the finishing touches on Gnomebleberry, I dove into the next pick - Gnome Pun Intended.  It started with the hat, which was really fun, using a pleated stitch interspersed periodically to give it a rumpled look.  I chose a skein of charcoal colored yarn I bought in Scotland a few years back.  It looks great, but turned out to be a challenge to see - not plied, and the dark color made it challenging to count and pick up the 7th stitch below on the wrong side.  Note made to self to use a light colored and high twisted yarn for the next one (which there will be, since it turned out so stinkin' cute).  For the body, I found an old skein of pink flecked wool I think was purchased at a Madrona Marketplace booth some time ago.  And for the piece de resistance, Woolfolk's crumpled Flette for his beard.  Adorable!  This guy was finished in 5 days.  Wow!  Maybe I've found my cure for UFOs.


I've got my lineup of patterns at the ready.  Won't you join me?  Here's the link to Sarah's website where she describes all the fun to be had.  Veronica of Dream In Color is putting together kits for For Yarns Sake - 4 half skeins of Smooshy in each, and in 8 different color combinations. They're in the dye pots now, so stay tuned for an announcement that they've arrived.  In the mean time, choose your cutie to knit, and have a blast!



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